Message from the Dean

  • Created: 2014-07-18
  • 28383

Thank you for visiting the School of Computer and Control Engineering website at the Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. I would like to particularly extend a warm welcome to prospective students, alumni, and visiting scholars who are looking to gain insight into our unique educational, research, technology transfer, and professional services.


The School of Computer and Control Engineering (SCCE) has entered a new, exciting, and challenging era. We are creating a pre-eminent world-class technology institute known for its pursuit of excellence in academic programs, leading-edge research, and impact on local and global scientific development and quality of life. With information technology now an indispensable part of everyday life, we tend to view it as a field that has come to maturity. Nevertheless, there are still many issues to deal with in achieving a deepening of information technology while creating a better society. Integration of Control Engineering and Computer Science is the foundation for the unique, flexible, and socially responsible graduate programs that SCCE offers to a diverse group of students and professionals.


While other institutions have focused on traditional areas of engineering and sciences, we are developing degree programs that directly address societal and technical needs of the 21st Century. Building on the synergy between engineering and information science, we have developed the graduate education and research in:


·  Computer Science and Technology

·  Software Engineering

·  Control Science and Engineering


These forward-looking programs guarantee a multi-dimensional and holistic education and research that prepares our graduates in the emerging areas of science and technology. SCCE emphasizes social responsibility and international perspective as we tailor degrees to the needs and interests of our students.


I welcome your involvement in our school and hope that you will continue further interactions with our school.


Sincerely, Guojie Li