Protect Networks From Attack

  • Created: 2015-10-18
  • 1672
Name:Protect Networks From Attack
Teacher:Zhang, Yuqing
Aims & Requirements: This course is a professional course for graduate and doctoral students majored in information security, computer, information and communication engineering. Students after this class are supposed to master the principles and methods in attacks and defense on Networks, technology details on the procedure of attacks and defense on Networks, the architecture of network protection, and the countermeasure against regular attacks. Students are supposed to have an also required to have a comprehensive view of network attacks and defense technology, and be familiar with regular network attacks and corresponding countermeasure. 
Primary Coverage:(Contents at a Glance)
Chapter 1: network defense overview Network attacks and hackers; fundamental knowledge on network security; threats and root cause to network security; security management, security policy and principle; overview of principles on network defense.
Chapter 2: principles and procedures of network attacks Network attack targets, categories and models; Network attack preparation, conduction and cleaning
Chapter 3: principles and technology of network defense General situation; defense system for network security; defense policy for network security; active defense and passive defense; regular defense measures
Chapter 4: typical defense technology General situation; Encryption; Firewall; intrusion detection system; Log Audition; System security configuration and management.
Chapter 5: Regular network attacks and defense technologies Security Scanning; Password cracking; Network Sniffer; Spoofing Attack; denial of service; Buffer Overflow; Web Attacks; defense against viruses and worms
Chapter 6: Experiments of network attacks and defense