SCCE Awarded Four NSFC Projects in 2012

  • 创建时间: 2012-11-23
  • 9256
In 2012, scientists at SCCE are granted four projects by the Natural Science Foundation of China. The granted projects cover a wide range of research fields in computer science, including Research on the Security Vulnerabilities of Smart Phones by Prof. Yuqing Zhang, Recognition of Scene Text and Superimposed Text based on Graph Models by Prof. Weiqiang Wang, and Massive Data Oriented Utility-based Personalized Academic Resource Recommendation System by Prof. Ying Liu. The grants received this year sum up to more than 2 million CNY, surpassing the past few years by a large margin. The continuous and steady increase of the NSFC projects awarded to SCCE signals a growing visibility and recognition of research at SCCE on the computer science community nation-wide.